Tuesday 19 October 2010

Front of t-shirt design

 once again started with a blank shirt but this time the front.

i chose to use the same character on the back for the front but in a different way but still looking rather dark and ominous.
i looked around on the internet for poses but rather than use one from what i had seen i created my own and ended up with the one i drew.

i decided to draw lines over one side of the face and the eye to make the character look more evil and almost possesed.

after drawing out the character i put down the wording which i felt sounded really dark and tried to do it in a way that made it look sinester.

after this i added the colour on a seperat layer again under the line work layer and went a bit further out the lines making it look a messy again and that i was once again sprayed through a stencil and then went around it with the dark blood red.

i feel that it came out well but could have come out better had i spent more time on the design.

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